Monday, February 22, 2010

Kids and Pets

There are somethings missing in my DNA. The shopping gene for one. I have commented on that before. But, also, the pet gene. I have found that after trying numerous times and stages in my life that I am not a good pet owner. I have had cats, dogs, birds, and fish and just the thought of anything else fills me with terror. I mostly benignly neglect them. I feed them, take them to the groomer, to the vet, and clean up after them but I resent it and do not play with them. They just annoy me! However, when my friends or relatives have pets I like them! So I have kept trying to get a different pet to see if I can change. Well, I can't and I will no longer try. I will be glad when Sadie dies and then I will not get another pet.

I have decided I like other people's pets! That way I feel no responsibility for them and can give them only the attention I want. It is just the opposite of children. I like my own children (Really love them and the grandkids!) but not other people's. I tolerate the children of others the way I do the pets of my own. I would never intentionally do anything to hurt them but with very few exceptions I couldn't care less about them. Not to say I don't appreciate when they are cute or smart or that I am not sad when they are hurt but I don't want to get involved emotionally. Cold hearted? perhaps so. Which is really weird because I was always in demand as a babysitter when young because the kids loved having me come over. I think in general I love my kids and other people's pets.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Getting Old?

There must be something wrong with me. I have good intentions and then life interrupts and I forget my intentions. The saying is "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions." That said I guess I know where I am headed. I keep forgetting to blog.

My intention for blogging is to record what it is like being old and getting older. (Hence, the name Silverthreads, for thoughts from my head of silver hair!) With my grandmother and mother having suffered from Alzheimer's I think maybe I can tell if I start to get it if I keep writing and notice how "weird" I start to get. But if I don't remember to write and get bogged in life than I will go crazy and not even know it. LOL Nothing exceptional has happened but I do want to note one thing I have noticed about getting sick. I seldom get sick. I don't even get colds very often and that was true even when I was teaching school with sick kids in the room. However, last week my dad got the quick flu. By the end of the week I had it too. It hit hard very early Friday morning and I spend most of about 4-5 hours in the bathroom. Even considered making a bed on the floor in there. Anyway, spend the day in bed until night when I showered and dressed and went to a viewing. Felt pretty good just nauseous. Today is Monday and the nausea of the weekend is gone but after showering and starting my Monday run of chores was wiped out. Note to old self: Being sick takes more out of you and takes longer to recoup. I am used to bouncing right back! Maybe not so much anymore - I will continue to monitor this. (Maybe I am just lazy?)