Monday, June 3, 2013

April 2013

 It is finally time to post about April's adventures. I got back to town from Disneyland on the third but included all of Disney's adventures in March. The first major incident of April was dad getting sick. He was having pains on his right side and not always able to keep food down. We thought it was his appendix so I took him to the emergency room and discovered that instead he had kidney stones.
Off to another doctor's office and then we set up the appointment for the next day to have them blasted.

Here he is just before the nurse took him into the room for his procedure. She weighed him before he got into his hospital gown and he has lost a lot of weight since a year ago when he broke his hip. He is down to 140 pounds.  He just doesn't feel like eating much: whether I take him to his favorite restaurant or to my house for one of his favorite meals, he isn't much for eating.

In the middle of the month, I took Kaven to Park City for a Lego exhibit at an art gallery. We were both quite enchanted with what can be done with Legos.

This is a self-portrait of the Lego art work exhibit's creator - made with Legos of course. 

This Lego art was Kaven's favorite piece. I wonder why?
This was my favorite piece and though you can't tell - it was life size.

Finally, on the very last day of the month I decided to visit the plant nursery to get some fertilizer while I had my nephew with me to be the muscles of the operation. While sitting in the turn lane waiting to turn left, and with my signal on: a lady hit us going 45 miles per hour and knocked me out for a minute and totaled my car. We were so fortunate that dad wasn't with us as we had just dropped him off at the assisted living center after taking him out to lunch.  Devon wasn't hurt but I had a bit of whiplash and they had to take me to the hospital for a few hours of observation. Other than being a bit stiff and without my car that I loved all was well. We were so blessed as we both could have been hurt really badly.  Unfortunately, my brains were scrambled for a week or two because I would forget things easily and totally forgot to get a picture of the car after the accident. The back bumper was behind the front seats and I had really wanted to get a picture of that. Plus, I forgot to get ALL my stuff out of the car before the insurance company picked it up and trashed it.

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