Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I was so excited to wake up yesterday to March 1, the first day of spring in my book. I could hardly get to sleep the night before because my mind was running wild with all the things I would be able to do now that spring was finally here and no more freezing days and nights. Spring is the re-birthing of the earth and everything fresh, new and beautiful. It makes my heart sing every year and makes my so happy for all my blessings. Spring and Thanksgiving holiday are my signature blessing times. There is so much sadness in the world (e.g. Haiti, Chile, the wars, etc.) that I don't want to forget that I have so many blessings that I should not even spend a full day upset over my taxes (have to pay almost $2000.00 this year extra!) So today I heard a new mantra that I think I will try to remember and have it a part of my life. "Bless and Release" Accept those things that upset us and we can't do anything about, remember the bigger blessings, and release those negative feelings into the cosmos. At least that is what I got from the statement. So I have. I am so blessed to have my own home and be able to help my parents through their difficulties. I am blessed to have the money in the bank that I had saved to fix my yard that will now go to taxes. What if I hadn't saved any? I am blessed to have children who are an asset to their families and their community. I am blessed to have terrific health so I don't have to spend lots of money on health care and medicines. I am so blessed to believe in a Heavenly Father who loves me and wants the best for me. I am blessed to have friends who go to lunch, plays, movies, classes and other activities when I need company or help. I am blessed to be able to walk in the park and appreciate nature around me. I am blessed to have the faith that sustains me when I get depressed and upset over events that I don't understand. I am so grateful for having had the opportunity to work at good jobs whenever I have needed to work and not be unemployed so that I can be retired now if I so desire. I am grateful I was able to get the education I wanted. These are just a few of the many blessings that rise to my mind and fingertips as I type this. I have nothing but gratitude in my heart today the second day of SPRING!

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