Last year I caught a few episodes on a cable channel of a show called "Ruby". She weighed about 700 pounds when she started the show a few years ago I guess, and nows weighs about 340 pounds. I saw it the other week and her counselor told her to change five things in her life to help her to get below her current goal of 300 pounds. I thought about that after the show, and decided that I should do that to see if I can get myself below 200 pounds, which has been my goal for years now. (Since I gained weight after my hysterectomy.) Anyway, my goals: 1. No more soda 2. Cut
way down on treats 3. cut down on fast food 4. increase my exercise. It took a couple more weeks before I could think what my fifth one would be. Tah Da! 5. Keep my hands busy when tempted to snack. I figured if I put my five changes on here I might feel accountable. But then again, maybe not, we'll see. LOL To keep my hands busy I will try to get on the computer more often, quilt more, clean more, crochet more, and of course now that the weather is nicer, more yard work. Hopefully that will solve my weight goal by my birthday and then I will spend that day shopping and buying new clothes. ALL DAY! I am going to put post-its all around to keep reminding me also. I have to catch another episode of "Ruby" to see if she reached her goal also. But, I have not had a soda since the last day of March and I have cut down on treats and fast food. That even helped my budget! The exercise has been harder since I was going to increase my walking but the weather was crappy. So I bought a jump rope and I am going to try that. Just bringing back my youth!