Thursday, April 1, 2010

Crafty Me

I am back to quilting now that the cute visitors have gone home. I wouldn't normally do this today but I want to try to post pictures that Courtney showed me how to do three days ago. I am afraid if I wait any longer the knowledge will have evaporated, if it hasn't already. I finished this month's squares yesterday so I will post the pictures of those plus the first 2 groups that I did. In January we did four identical squares but the next two months there was only fabric for three. Anyway, here are the pictures of the squares that the instructor assured me would all be part of the same quilt when we finish at the end of the year. (We'll see. I don't understand how it will all go together and she isn't telling. I think she isn't sure either.) The wall hangings I will post when I get March's done next week. I can only do a project a week or I get obsessive!

Aaaarg! I have tried twice and the picture's not posting so now have to call Court! Poor Court.

So now Courtney helped me but the pictures are in reverse order. I did the bottom one first and the top one last. She gave me some helps for next time. That will probably be next week.


  1. I'm looking forward to seeing the blocks come together as well. I definitely do not have the right kind of creative vision for that sort of thing! I think you've done a great job. (Both with quilting and blogging.)

  2. Cute! I need to join a quilting group, so that I can learn some new techniques! I love your squares.
