Sunday, September 9, 2012


It has now been a year since I finished chemo. I had my mammogram in March and then my six month mammo in September and they were both great. No sign of returning cancer. I finished my infusions of Herceptin the end of April and had my port out in May. I saw the oncologist in August for my followup and don't have to see him again for six months. I am done! Well, not quite. I have a bit more than four years of taking the oral drug to inhibit any new growth of cancer since I am HER2 positive. I am not very happy with the drug since it gives me hot flashes but that is better than having cancer. I will put up with it. Hot flashes is really a misnomer since it isn't a flash but rather a five to ten minute flush of intense heat. But it is what it is and much less annoying than all the cancer treatments.

When I first finished the treatments in April, I was suddenly rather depressed. Much more so then when I was told I had cancer and was going through treatments. It took a while for me to figure out why but I think I finally discovered the reason. I was afraid it was coming back because I was no longer doing anything to fight it. Now after completing several exams and realizing the oral drug is still fighting I am no longer depressed or frightened. There are other things to worry me now.

My oldest son has cancer. He is only 39 and found out on his birthday that he has skin cancer on his chest. Not the kind of cancer from the sun but another much rarer kind. The doctor told him only about 200 people a year get his kind of cancer. He is having surgery this week to have it removed and then when we get the doctor's report I hope I can stop being so nervous. I am not sleeping well as I keep thinking about him and his son and all they have been through. His wife died of colon cancer just two and a half years ago. Hopefully we will get a good report in a few more days. He says the cure rate is ninety percent, so I hope so.

I hope to continue sharing my thoughts but on a wider variety of topics and happier thoughts. I feel like my life was on pause for a year and a half. Over that now and on to the rest of my life.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so you told me not to say anything about Ryan but here you are blogging about it AND you posted (although be it cryptically) on Facebook about it. What gives? ANYWAY,I'm glad your cancer is gone and that you're done with treatments. Hooray!
